Volume 23, Week 21
Full share & green half shares
218 Gates Avenue between Classon and Franklin
(IMPACCT Brooklyn at the Gibbs Mansion)
5:00 to 7:30 pm
Tonight’s the Night!
We’ll be holding our annual potluck during distribution! If you’d like to bring a dish to share, it’s not too late to sign up here :)
And, next week, we welcome costumes, tricks and treats - our final distribution of the season falls on Halloween Night!
Week 21 News
Sign up for your winter share before it’s too late! Click here to learn more: Windflower Farm's 2024-2025 Winter Share (wufoo.com).
Please fill out our 2024 season survey! Your feedback helps us make decisions about pricing, extra shares, distribution logistics, and more!
This week’s share
Bok choy
Sweet potatoes
Butternut squashes
News from Windflower Farm
Distribution No. 20 , week of October 14, 2024
For those of you who purchased green shares, this is your last share of the season. We hope you’ve enjoyed your share of the harvest. Drop us a line any time to let us know your thoughts about the experience and to offer ideas for how we might improve the CSA going forward. [editor’s note: and take our end of season survey!] Thank you very much for being with us. We hope to see you soon. You may reach us at windflowercsa@gmail.com. For everyone else, next week's share will be your last.
What’s new on the farm?
It’s 67 degrees and sunny outside, which is very pleasant to be working in, if a bit unusual for late October. Tree colors are at their peak or just past, and are lovely. I can see the yellow of sugar maples out my front window as I sit to write. We’ve just had lunch. The packing team – Victoria, Kristoffer and Kage – washed greens, leeks and ginger this morning, and are on to packing and labelling shipping containers. Sam, one of our working members, spent the morning with them, so they are in good shape. Andrea is busy recording winter share signups, after which she’ll join in the packing. Salvador, Candelaria and the four youngsters in their family, Daniel, Martin, Miriam and Liz, having wrapped up the morning broccoli harvest and the planting of the last three beds of winter greens this morning are now planting onions. Jan and Nate spent the morning packing butternut squashes, and now they are heading out to the ginger patch to harvest for the Thursday delivery. Where would we be without these wonderful people?! I’ll join them shortly. All is well in this tiny corner of the world, if just for now.
A winter share anyone?
Purchasing a winter share is your chance to extend the fruit and vegetable season through the New Year.
What is it? In a nutshell, the winter share consists of a total of three one-bushel boxes, one delivered every fourth Saturday from mid-November through early January (November 16th, December 14th, and January 11th). It contains a big bag of fresh greens (kale, spinach and more), 8-10 lb. of vegetables from our root cellar (including winter squashes, “Irish” and sweet potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and other storage veggies), 4-6 lb. of delicious apples (and pears if available) from the Borden Farm, and a sweet treat every month (the Borden’s apple cider, Harry’s honey, and Deb’s jam). Optional grain, maple and egg shares are also available. Please follow the link for more details and to sign up.
Click here to learn more: Windflower Farm's 2024-2025 Winter Share (wufoo.com).
We hope you’ll join us for the winter share season!
Best wishes, Ted
Meet the Clinton Hill CSA Core Group!
Curious how the CSA is run? One of the ways that the CSA keeps costs down is by being fully volunteer run! Member shifts at at distribution are essential, and we have a core group that steers the planning and execution of the season. Each week for the remainder of the season, we’ll feature a member of the core group that steers the CSA and tell you what they do!
Meet Ruth
Role in the CSA: Core coordinator. I plan the season, troubleshoot problems, and try to support the amazing work done by the rest of the core. I'm also on the advisory board for Just Food, a nonprofit organization that loosely oversees CSAs in New York City and advocates for food and environmental justice.
Favorite vegetable: I'm not sure I have one! I love the rhythms of the season, seeing the harvest change from week to week and month to month. I like the occasional surprise, like purple cauliflower.
Something you wouldn’t guess about me: On my first job in New York City, I met Dr. Seuss!
The winner of our recipe raffle is Cindy Rucker, of “Late Summer Squash Salad” fame! Thanks to all who submitted!